Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's time.

I've been struggling with this certain pain in my back going on 3 1/2 years now.  It's been bearable until the last 6 months.  I've tried different options: Doctors and chiropractors,  X-Rays and physical therapy. Ibprophen and heating pads. My husband finally said that I really need to get "this" taken care of.(I'm sure he's tired of hearing me groan and moan). It's been so frustrating because I love to run. I've had to slow down because we're pretty sure that running has aggravated it.

I finally got some good recommendations on a good back doctor.  I had an appointment on Monday morning.  Finally, a doctor who was personable and wanting to help me. After a few questions and him looking at my back, he said he's pretty sure he knew what it was.  He scheduled me an MRI for this week with a follow up appointment next week. Praying for answers. Thankful for a doctor who has moved along this process so quickly to help find me relief. 

Please say a prayer this week.  I would really like to get this resolved. I think we're on the right track. Thank you friends :)

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